
We do our very best to provide you with great service but if you do have a complaint, we will equally do our very best to deal with it to your full and complete satisfaction. To help us do this quickly, can you please write to us and let us know:

– Your name and address and your business name and address
– Your telephone number if you would like us to call you, or your email address if preferred.
– Details of your complaint, including any relevant references and dates

You can write to us at:

Administration Manager

Corporate & Asset Finance Ltd

Oak House, Rowney Green Lane, Rowney Green, nr Alvechurch, Birmingham, B48 7QU

Phone:  0121 445 6040

Fax:     08720 221297



What you can expect from us

Our aim is to ensure that you feel we have handled your complaint fairly and that you are fully satisfied with the outcome. If we cannot resolve your complaint immediately, we will send you a prompt acknowledgement confirming receipt of your complaint.

We will undertake a full investigation, address all of the points you raise and will do our best to reply to you with our written response by post within ten business days. If we need more time to look into your complaint, we will:

– tell you who is personally dealing with it
–keep you updated on our progress
–provide you with a written explanation of the reasons for the delay and tell you when we will respond in full

We will endeavour to satisfactorily resolve your issue or complaint, however, if we are unable to issue a final response within eight weeks, or you are not happy with our response, you may refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

For more information


Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR

Telephone: 0300 123 9 123 or 0800 023 4567 | Email: | Visit: